Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can you survive without the Yellow Pages for the Internet

The answer is simple, you have to do it all, one ad will not do it, Search Engines are a good start, but you have to have all of the other components as well. A great first start would be to make a web site for your business, next to hire a SEO consultant, to take care of the complex part of the set up. So how does SEO generate leads for your business? Every customer that you could have is searching on the internet for something. People are learning to use a key word to find the information that they want online. Discovering the right key phrase and then mixing it into your website content is important as well. If your content appears in the Google listings or within the various other search engines and there is a definitive match with keywords, they will click on your sites link and will be directed towards your site. Employing the SEO/content writing approach, you will end up with much better results.
The next item to do would be to have Paid Search, and it would be a good idea to have an advisor show you how to do it. There is not much to a small local search campaign, but it does need to be set up correctly. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:
·         Review of your site content or structure
·         Technical advice on website development
·         Content development
·         Management of online business development campaigns
·         Keyword research
·         SEO training
·         Expertise in specific markets and geographies

Social Media, so how can Social Media sites benefit you? With websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Wordpress, you can start your web presence in a short time. Get an account for Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Wordpress, and start developing relationships.
Also, never upload a picture of your business instead of one of yourself. People are interested in other people, you should always market yourself, not a company. People will follow you not a company.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Online Video Growth

Online Video Growth Creates Consumer Engagement Opportunities

by Eric Papczun

Video Search
If you are an online advertiser, there is no better time to take advantage of online video to drive consumers to your website. Online video viewership and penetration continues to grow along with the increasing popularity of social platforms and smart phones.
Based on a recent eMarketer report, the number of US online video viewers will grow to 188 million in 2013, from 144 million in 2009. Additionally, more than half (59%) of the US population will view online videos in 2013.
Video capabilities have shown vast improvements over the past few years, specifically the streaming quality and availability of HD online content as well as the extended video duration. These video enhancements have attracted new audience segments, beyond the typical 18-24 year old segment. While the younger generation is still the largest demographic, several studies have indicated a boost in online video popularity among older adults and seniors.
One of the most popular types of video is Flash video. While Flash is extremely appealing to the consumer eye, it is often overlooked by the search engine crawlers—they have a difficult time recognizing Flash images or video. Therefore, advertisers need to be sure to optimize their videos so that the search engine spiders can find them. If search engine crawlers can’t find your video, neither will your consumers, leading to missed opportunities.
Although search engines are getting better at reading Flash files, the fact still remains that crawlers prefer to read text. There are a few reasons why Flash does not get indexed or ranked for its keywords within the search engine results. The primary reason is when a user navigates throughout a website, many sites dynamically load Flash videos under the same URL. This presents a problem because URLs need to be unique for proper indexation. Advertisers should separate videos into their own URLs and optimize the meta tags and body content (copy) around the videos in order to rank for relevant keywords.
Most Flash videos have very little text around them and often times if there is text it is typically filled with vacuous marketing copy that lacks important keywords. As a result, search engine crawlers have a hard time finding videos and indexing them. Advertisers should include copy around the Flash videos that includes keyword-rich text, relevant to the searchers’ query. For example, a video for an e-commerce site that is selling discount golf clubs should include the keywords “discount golf clubs” around the video. These keywords can also be incorporated in the anchor textthat is shown when you hover the mouse over a video.
Online advertisers, particularly brand advertisers, should take advantage of the online video growth opportunity by using videos to connect and engage with the growing and diversifying audience. Advertisers can increase their brand awareness by incorporating videos on their website as well as on video sites, such as YouTube. These videos could be used to promote or demo a product or service or share consumer success stories that further validate the value of a product or service.Contact seccionpaginasamarillas.com.do, and we will send a Account Sales Rep out to your office to give you a presentation for video.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Su nuevo Internet Páginas Amarillas de la República Dominicana

Somos su nuevo Internet de Páginas Amarillas de la República Dominicana, seccionpaginasamarillas.com.do Verá un nuevo tipo de formato nunca antes utilizado en la República Dominicana, le ofreceremos una nueva forma en que las empresas y negocios mostraran sus servicios o productos de una manera creativa, original y profesional en vídeo. Además vamos a ofrecer mapas de calles, su ubicación, imágenes, y su propia página en nuestro sitio web, donde usted puede editar su texto o imágenes, ofrecer nuevos descuentos y mucho mas. Nuestro personal de servicio al cliente estara a su disposición cuando usted lo requiera, además de que nuestros precios son de hasta un 40% menores que la competencia tradicional que no cuenta con tecnologia en video, asi mismo tenemos un equipo que se encargara de asegurarse que sus anuncios se muestren en todos los motores de búsqueda. En los próximos meses usted tendra una visita de ejecutivos de cuenta de su área que le explicara mas a detalle de lo que se trata, y si necesita cualquier información, póngase en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico a servicioalcliente@seccionpaginasamarillas.com y con gusto le atenderemos!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why Is Local Search Important?

It's estimated that 30 to 40 percent of all searches are made with local intent. However, for certain types of businesses, search almost always has local intent. If you have such a business, it is critical to be found for as many pertinent local searches as possible.

If where you are is important to what you do, then you must maximise your business's presence in the Local Search results and optimize it for the best performance. People searching for you may be across town or a continent away. Wherever they are and wherever you are, you want them to find you.

Here are some reasons why Local Search is so important?

  • Local businesses of all types are realizing that they need a visible online presence in order to compete in their marketplace.
  • The Local Search platforms of major SearchEngines have become very robust, with useful features that attract an ever-increasing number of searchers to them.
  • The users of print yellow pages are rapidly moving to Internet Yellow Pages and to other locally-focused websites for information that they used to look for in printed phone books.
  • The Search Engines know that Local Search is different from traditional search and that when people search with local intent, they want and expect to see different results.
  • The Search Engines are committed to intergrating Local Search results into the regular Search Engine Results Pages.
The Internet Yellow Pages marketers realize that their clientele needs to get online. They are trying to make it quick and easy for them to do so by providing bundled online marketing options that are easy to understand. It's critical to learn how Local Search works now. It will enable you to gain the best possible presence for your business and position you to keep up with changes and developments as they occur. With Local Search, as with most other business and internet endeavors, the early adopters disproportionately reap the rewards.

Mary Bowling

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Advantages of using seccionpaginasamarillas.com.do

Today we are going to talk about the advantages of using and being a client of seccionpaginasamarillas.com.do. Our category listings are always doubled checked to make sure that they are current, for example, you can search for hotels in dominican republic, or by city,hotels in puerto plata, or in Spanish, hoteles en Puerto Plata, or Republica Dominicana, you can almost do anything in the new Dominican Republic yellowpages Seccionpaginasamarillas.com.do, or paginas amarillas republica dominicana.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Small business marketing & online Internet video advertising is great for all businesses. We will design your custom video and broadcast it through our web site, as well with YouTube. com and other video hosting sites, as well you can load your video in your own web site.

Do you want to stand out online? Do you want more business? Would you like to dominate your local market?

Online video is now the most logical and cost effective solution to marketing a business or even selling real estate. Video has a powerful ability to reach your potential target audience faster than any other marketing method.

Why NOW? Why does video work on the Internet now and not before?

  •   Faster computers   
  •   Cheap and massive storage
  •   Broadband connections & bandwidth
Soon, anyone marketing a home, product or service will have to have video on their site just to be competitive. Shooting video and loading it on your website helps you connect with customers before they ever walk in the door. Start now and get a jump on the competition!!

What are the marketing benefits of Internet video?
People watch it.... what would you rather do- read a 10 page sales letter or watch a 1 minute video? People want to find what their looking for fast. And, learn about your product or service quickly. A study by the Wharton School of Business found video was more effective than any other medium at delivering sales messages.

Why does the search engines love video so much?
Because people love to watch videos and videos hostings sites generate massive traffic.
Web users download some seven billion videos from the video hosting sites, YouTube, every month. So when your video is uploaded to these services and tagged with the right keywords that specific to your offering you are usually rewarded with a good ranking because the search engines are paying attention when you market the video correctly with keyword rich titles and descriptions with your website address in it. Taken from globalizeduniverse.

Video captures attention and helps you stand out online... it is the wave of the future

If you have a question about our service we would love to hear from you, just go to our website seccionpaginasamarillas.com.do and go to the menu and click contacts, then call or email us.